
Working with our heritage, whether that be pure restoration, sensitive adaption or considered intervention, is a key area of our expertise and experience. We are also supported by our in-house Specialist Conservation Accredited Architect.

Our approach is to sensitively integrate the best in contemporary architectural design with skilful conservation of the historic building fabric.  Our design philosophy is based upon the premise that there should be a clear distinction between the historic fabric and any new addition.

Our over-riding objective when developing a refurbishment or adaption project is to recognise the needs of the building, working with the existing fabric, not against it.

The need to avoid unnecessary repairs balanced with the need to provide ease of ongoing upkeep of the restored building is a key challenge.  We are driven by the need to give historic buildings viable and sustainable futures.

Our key principles include:

– Use of traditional materials and construction techniques, where possible,

– Successful close active engagement throughout with Historic England, Cadw, Conservation Officers

– Seamless and discreet integration of contemporary elements and sustainable construction methods and technologies

– Early and continuous stakeholder engagement